
  • M. Wcisło
  • S. Staśko
  • S. Buczyński


lokalne modele wód podziemnych, małe zlewnie, obszary zasilania.


A SMALL CATCHMENT IN MOUNTAINOUS AREAS – ABLE TO BE MODELED?The paper describes research conducted in the river catchments in the mountainous region, the area less then 15 sq km. Authors are looking for the answers for question: what kind of data and methodological solutions are essential in case of poor recognition with boreholes. There were analyzed: methodology of field data preparing, ways of model calibration, outcomes accuracy and computing stability in conditions of limited range of available data. Investigation conducted in the Sudety Mts. and Carpathian area offer possibility to draw some important conclusions according to methodological limitations depending on goal, data range and complication of hydrogeological settings. Local-scale models appear to be more stable, what in fluence on water balance and head error reduction. It gave possibility to simulate with higher accuracy preferential flow paths and its in fluence on groundwater resources structure. This phenomena couldn’t be efficient simulated up to now on the regional-scale model. In more cases poor recognition with boreholes and use of analogy allows only for assessing potential risk and perspectives connected to groundwater exploitation. On the other side, by fulfilling some additional conditions –reasonable base for reliable prognosis and simulations is provided. Results of the research suggest, that local-scale models give many advantages, but require time-consuming procedures of model construction and gathering wide range of field data.