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Author Guidelines

 Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego publishes original scientific contributions and reviews in the field of regional geology of Poland, hydrogeology and related scientific fields, peer-reviewed papers on domestic and international scientific conferences, and materials dedicated to PGI-NRI jubilees.


The manuscript and the covering letter from the author's parent institution, as well as information about funding sourcesfor publications, and financial contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities should be submitted in one copy in the secretary’s office of the Department of Publications, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute. Submission of the manuscript shall be deemed as author’s statement that the work is original, never-before-published, and not submitted for publication elsewhere, the team of authors reflects the real contribution of individual persons to the work, and the final version of the article is submitted after consultation with all authors. All paperspublished in Biuletyn are peer-reviewed.



Each author submitting the manuscript is required to provide information about his/her academic degree, institutionalaffiliation, and current home address, necessary to conclude the agreement.


Articles submitted for publishing, after initial acceptance, are sent to two independent reviewers, who have no conflict of interest with the author. Reviews, along with editorial comments shall be made available to the author to make necessary corrections within the agreed period. Non-compliance with the deadline may imply a delay in paper publication. Once the editorial work and paper’s layout is completed, the author receives a copy of the paper to make corrections within two weeks. Major changes in the text and illustrations will not be accepted at the stage of correction.

In order to facilitate editorial work, please prepare the text and attachments as indicated below; materials not corresponding to the requirements of the editorial board will be returned to the authors. The parts of the paper that arepublished in English, i.e., abstract, key words, summary, titles, captions for figures (illustrations and photographic plates)and tables must be submitted in English.


Preparation of the text. The manuscript cannot exceed 50 A4 pages, including illustrations, tables and a list of references. Text should be written in 12-point font (Times New Roman), with1.5 line spacing, and 2-centimetre marginon each side. Paragraphs should be aligned to the left (non-justified); do not use hyphens or spaces to center text. The positions of figures and the hierarchy of titles ( a maximum of three levels) should be indicated on the manuscript margins. All measurement units must be given in the SI system. Citations should be placed in parentheses, indicating author’s name and the year of publication, e.g., (Kowalski, 2004). Text and explanations for the figures and tables should be written in MS Word format.


The editors reserve the right to revise the text in terms of standardization of names (e.g., the spelling of names ofboreholes, geographical names, etc.).

The manuscript, including explanations, tables and graphic attachments provided in separate files, must be submitted in an electronic form together with a paper copy. Please, place authors' names and the article title on the CD.


Abstract. Abstract, not exceeding 200 words, is published in both Polish and English. It should concisely present theresearch methods, the results and conclusions.


Key words. Abstract should be followed by 5–7 key words describing the subject of the paper.


Summary. English summary should not exceed 10% of the paper volume.



References. Bibliography, arranged alphabetically, should contain only those publications and archived reports that arecited in the text, figure captions, and tables. Abbreviations of journals and book series should be used in accordance with Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski and editors' formal requirements. Examples:


MATYJA B.A., WIERZBOWSKI A., 2002a – Boreal and subboreal ammonites in the submediteranean uppermost Oxfordian in the Bielawy section (northern Poland) and their correlation value. Acta Geol. Pol., 52, 4: 411–421.


RACKI G., NARKIEWICZ M. (red.), 2006 — Polskie zasady stratygrafii. Państw. Inst. Geol., Warszawa.


SIKORSKA M., 2007a — Geneza wapieni i cementów węglanowych piaskowców w kambrze obniżenia bałtyckiego. Prz. Geol., 55, 4: 304.


SIKORSKA M., 2007b — Petrografia ediakaru (wendu) i kambru. W: Słupsk IG 1 (red. Z. Modliński). Profile Głęb. Otw. Wiert. Państw. Inst. Geol., 116: 75–83.


  Note : references to books must provide the publisher and place of publication. References in Cyrillic alphabets must be transliterated into Polish.


Illustrations. Illustrations should be prepared in vector format, in CorelDraw or Illustrator (in case of other programs, please save the files in a format that enables easy import to the above, e.g. in PDF or WMF). Bitmaps (photos, scannedimages) must be submitted in one of the following formats: TIFF, CPT, PSD, EPS or JPG (in original format). Resolutionof scanned colour photographs should be at least 300 dpi, black and white photographs – at least 600 dpi, black and white drawings (linear) – 1200dpi.


It is recommended to use colours on illustrations only in justified cases, i.e. , when using a broad range of colours is necessary for the illustration quality and essential for the expression of content. Authors are required to contribute to the cost of printing colour attachments.


The size of illustrations should fit the text column (max. 175 x 245 mm). Drawings must not contain superfluous details;the type size cannot be smaller than 6 points. Maps and cross-sections should contain a size bar. Please use neithertwo-colour pattern fills nor lines thinner than 0.12 mm on vector drawings. Explanation of Figures in Polish and Englishshould be placed below the Figure (do not use numbers in squares).


High-contrast photographic prints must be made on a glossy paper. Photographic plates should be prepared on a cardboard paper on a 175 x 245 mm column. All illustrations should be marked with author's name and figure number drawn with a soft pencil.

Authors are requested to provide all electronic materials (CDs) and original illustrations to the Department ofPublications only after the reviewer comments and technical recommendations of the editors.


Tables. Tables must be saved as separate files in MS Word or Excel formats (maximum size A4).




In case of any doubt as to the formal requirements, Authors are kindly requested to contact and consult the Department of Publications of PGI- NRI.