sedymentacja klastyczna, sedymentacja węglanowa, struktury sedymentacyjne, mikrofacje, baden, sarmat, Roztocze.Abstract
MIOCENE OF THE ROZTOCZE HILLSAbstract. The lithological characteristic of the clastic Badenian deposits of the Roztocze Hills is presented, in the territories of Poland and Ukraine. Generally, the Miocene succession of the Roztocze Hills begins with transgressive quartz, quartz-glaukonite and quartz-rhodolithe sands and sandstones of Early Badenian age, possessing their greatest thickness and limits in Ukraine. Towards the top, the sands pass laterally into marls and coralline algal limestones. Those deposits are overlain by a continuous level of gypsum and/or Ratyń Limestones, included into the Evaporitic-Chemical Beds. Various shallow-water carbonate and terrigenous deposits of Late Badenian age overlie the Evaporitic-Chemical Beds. The terrigenous rocks are represented mainly by quartz sands and sandstones with an admixture of glauconite, siltstone and clay. The biogenic rocks are represented by various shell coquinas and reefal-type deposits. The Miocene succession of the Roztocze Hills is terminated by deposits of Sarmatian age. These are represented by serpulid-microbialite reefs, exposed in the westernmost part of the Roztocze Hills. The microfacies and sedimentary structures of studied rocks point to a high-energy, shallow-water, marine environment with changeable chemical conditions during sedimentation.Issue