węgiel, boksyty, zasoby, złoża, karbon, LZW.Abstract
HARD COAL AND BAUXITE DEPOSITS IN THE LUBLIN CARBONIFEROUS BASINAbstract. The Lublin Carboniferous Basin (LCB), located in central-eastern Poland to the NE and SE of Lublin, is geologically situated at the south-western margin of the pre-Vendian (Precambrian) East European Platform. The occurrence of Carboniferous coal-bearing deposits was first discovered in this area before the Second World War, but fundamental geological research was developed in the 1960. and proved an industrial significance of hard coal deposits of A-C2 categories (according to the reserve categories of Poland). A preliminary pattern of geological structure of the LCB was also described at that time. The hard coal measure Łęczna was the first one geologically documented. Successful results of geological research and intense record piling made it possible to initiate coal mine activity in that area and hard coal production in 1982. In the 1980., there were 11 hard coal deposits documented in categories A-C2. The resources were estimated at 10 bn Mg. Hard coal deposits of prospective, prognostic and potential significance were documented by detailed record piling and regional geological research. Total resources of hard coal deposits in the LCB were estimated at 40 bn Mg. In the late 1970., 32 test boreholes were drilled in the vicinity of Włodawa and Łuków that penetrated Carboniferous deposits down to the Huczwa Formation (Visean). They yielded new data about geological structure of the Carboniferous basement in the Lublin basin and about the range of hard coal deposits. However, they provided no data about economic reserves of aluminum ore. There were only thin intercalations containing bauxite rocks documented in 3 boreholes, and therefore further geological research was abandoned.Issue