inwersja, ruchy przesuwcze, basen lubelski, niecka lubelska.Abstract
TECTONICS OF THE LUBLIN AREA (SE POLAND) - NEW VIEWS BASED ON RESULTS OF SEISMIC DATA INTERPRETATIONAbstract. Lublin region (defined as area between Warsaw and the Ukrainian border) has been focus of intense geological and geophysical studies for many years, due to the presence of various deposits. Different tectonic processes that have shaped present-day geological structure of the Paleozoic and Permo-Mesozoic structural levels have been described using seismic profiles acquired in different parts of this region. Kock fault zone was interpreted as an area of the Late Carboniferous compressional deformations formed above zone of reverse fault rooted in the Precambrian basement, with important influence of ductile deformations caused by thick Silurian shale complex. In the Siedlce area SW-NE strike-slip fault zone was identified, active in Late Devonian, Late Carboniferous and Late Cretaceous. The so-called central high in the Mełgiew area was interpreted as thin-skinned Late Carboniferous compressional structure detached above Lower Devonian complex, while in the Ciecierzyn area this high developed due to thick-skinned reverse faulting reaching the Precambrian basement. Present-day SW border of the Lublin Basin (defined by the SW extent of the Carboniferous cover), i.e. Ursynów-Kazimierz zone, is associated with zone of reverse faults along which Radom-Kraśnik High was en block uplifted in respect to the Lublin Basin. SE segment of the Lublin Basin is characterized by asymmetrical structure, determined by deeply-rooted reverse fault. NE from this fault complex system of reverse faults and thrusts together with associated ramps and fault-related folds formed during the Late Carboniferous inversion of the Lublin Basin was identified. Nowe Miasto-Zawichost fault zone was active as normal fault zone in Permian-Jurassic, and was reactivated as reverse fault zone during inversion of the SE segment of the Mid-Polish Trough. Along this fault zone numerous positive flower structures were identified, suggesting important strike-slip movements associated with inversion.Issue