biostratygrafia, otwornice, paleoekologia, paleobiogeografia, jura późna, tyton, kreda wczesna, warstwy cieszyńskie, Karpaty zewnętrzne.Abstract
FORAMINIFERS OF THE CIESZYN BEDS FROM THE CIESZYN FOOTHILLS (OUTER CARPATHIANS)Abstract. Numerous benthic foraminifers are noted in the Cieszyn Beds. Generally their number and taxonomic variability decreased during the sedimentation of these deposits. The impoverishment of foraminiferal assemblages, which corresponded with geotectonic transformation of the Carpathian (Cieszyn) Basin and evolution of the contemporary environments was noted at the turn of Jurassic-Cretaceous. Morphogroup and taphofacial analyses suggest that this basin evolved from narrow, shelf basin into open marine basin. Succession of foraminiferal assemblages has evidenced this process. At the beginning these assemblages contained calcareous benthic forms, which were known from shelf and para-reef environments of epicontinental and marine basins. At the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary these ones were replaced by deep-water siliceous foraminifers. The first group of the mentioned foraminifers comprised mainly allochthonous forms, which occurred at the end of the regression of the sea. Autochthonous microfauna, al-though differing, appeared at the beginning of transgression cycle. At this time the basin was deepening while a level of the sea was as low as before. The sequence of the studied foraminiferal assemblages is related to paleobiogeographical position of the Cieszyn Basin, which finally became an integral part of the Tethyan bioprovince at the Early Cretaceous.Issue