dane geoprzestrzenne, informacja hydrogeologiczna, model danych, model pojęciowy, geomatyka.Abstract
CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL GEOSPATIAL DATA — METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONAbstract. Digital representation of hydrogeological information and associated geological information in computer systems introduces many new possibilities with regard to the ways of managing and using this information, and in particular allows for application of new methods and algorithms to gather, process, analyze and transmit the information. In order for these processes to be made smoothly and effectively, hydrogeological and general geological data require adequate structure and formats. A basis for organization of data into structures and their effective encoding are data models, prepared on the basis of conceptual models. Since almost all hydrogeological data is characterized by a geospatial reference and this aspect is particularly important during data analysis, conceptual models pertaining to hydrogeological information should be based upon geomatic concepts. In such case, general geomatic models make up an intersection of various specialized thematic models. Many models of hydrogeological geoinformation are very much similar to ones designed for other application domains, and in such case only minor modifications are needed. However, in hydrogeology, like in other fields of geology, specific types of geospatial information occur, which are not present in any other field. These include, for instance, hydrogeological borehole log, hydrogeological cross-section and model of spatial structure of a hydrogeological unit. A particularly interesting geomatic problem in geology is the temporal ordinal reference system, expressed as a stratigraphic table. Elaborating of conceptual models describing all cases that are specific to hydrogeology is its own task, since their design requires thorough knowledge of the field. In these models, selection of the most appropriate digital representation of the real world phenomena, depending on their natural character, described by such geoinformation, plays an important role. In the present work, a number of specific types of hydrogeological information have been analyzed, and a number of methodologies, languages and information and geomatic technologies applied in the area of hydrogeological conceptual models, have been reviewed. As a result, a number of general and detailed solutions have been proposed. However, their application in practice requires acceptance of the community of hydrogeologists, which is to use the geoinformation systems, based upon these models. One of the necessary conditions for acceptance of the solutions proposed is their consistency with international standards of geoinformation.Downloads