wody podziemne, skały krystaliczne, zasoby, tempo wymiany.Abstract
WATER-BEARING CAPACITY OF HARD ROCKS IN THE SUDETESAbstract. This paper presents new results on fresh groundwater occurrence in fractured crystalline rocks in the Sudetes. Description has been followed by review of previous results and approaches. Three-zones hydraulic model of water storage and flow has been proposed and indicate important role of the weathering cover. Recent study modificate simple piston flow scheme and rapid water exchange in such a region. Weathering zone existence showed that the flow model must be considered as mixing water with different rate of flow through media of different capacity and transmissivity. Water-bearing properties of hard rock in the Sudetes has been evaluated and indicated high groundwater run of fand spring's density. Crystalline formation tapped by water wells indicate low and intermediate yield and provide 5 m3/h of water in fissured zone. Due to geometry and hydraulic properties of water bearing zones horizontal water intake is able to provide up to 100 m3/h of water in regional fracture zones, e.g. Kletno—Stare Mesto in the Śnieżnik Massif. Proposed low groundwater flow has been supported by drainage observation data and also by some publication. Results of isotopic and traser studies as well as water chemical composition support proposed model.Downloads