
  • Stanisław Dąbrowski
  • Witold Rynarzewski
  • Renata Straburzyńska-Janiszewska
  • Joanna Zachaś-Janecka


odnawialność wód podziemnych, zlewnia Gwdy.


GROUNDWATER RENEVAL OF GWDA CATCHMENTAbstract. In this article major results of hydrogeological and hydrological researches altogether with reneval aquifer system assessment in the Gwda catchment area of 4,947.3 km2 are presented. It was studied as documented groundwater disposable resources. In the research area, the groundwater occur in Quaternary, Paleogene-Neogene and Jurassic deposits, until 100mdepth in southern part of the catchment and at 400 m depth in the northern one. The groundwater recharge of the Gwda catchment and five watermanagement regions, with reference to four separated aquifers, were calculated in model research. However in hydrological research the groundwater recharge was calculated in relation to segmented catchments and watermanagement regions. According to the model research, groundwater recharge from rainfall infiltration was calculated for the catchment, on average 11.3m3/h·km2 (3.14 l/s·km2) for the state of 2011. According to hydrological methods underground runoff assessment is defined: on the basis of the Wundt method with month low states: 15.8m3/h·km2 (4.38 l/s·km2) in case of year low states: 10.3 m3/h·km2 (2.87 l/s·km2). The high accordance of hydrological method and model method results from similar groundwater flow assessment in widely-spread regions hydrogeological structures, without taking into consideration the runoff in local hydrogeological structures.
