
  • Filip Wolny
  • Mariusz Kaczmarek
  • Marek Marciniak


podwójna porowatość, podwójna przepuszczalność hydrauliczna, identyfikacja parametrów, metoda PARAMEX, metody optymalizacyjne.


LABORATORY METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE PARAMETERS OF A DUAL PERMEABILITY GEOLOGICAL FORMATION BASED ON A PARAMEX TESTAbstract. During some PARAMEX field tests an unusual rate-of-rise curve was observed. This curve clearly differed from the exponential curve normally registered during such tests. The atypical curve indicates a faster than usual water level rise during the first stage of the test and a slower rise during the last stage. This type of rise is bi-exponential. Based on the documentation of the analysed piezometers, it should be assumed that this type of water level movement is caused by the dual-permeability of the geological formations surrounding the screened zone. In this paper, the possibility to identify the parameters of such formations using a PARAMEX test is analysed. A model capable of simulating PARAMEX tests in a dual-permeability formation was constructed. Because of the model's shape, the conducted tests were called "W-tube" tests. Water valves at the bottom of the outward columns allowed cutting water flow and therefore registering "U-tube" tests. During these tests, the hydraulic conductivity of a single groundwater formation sample was determined using constant head permeability measurements. A mathematical model of water flow during the laboratory simulation of the PARAMEX test was created. This model allowed interpreting the results laboratory tests; a pair of hydraulic conductivity values was calculated based on the experimentally registered bi-exponential curve. The obtained values of hydraulic conductivity were compared to the values determined during the constant head permeability tests. The mathematical model proved to be adequate for identifying the parameters of dual-permeability based on a PARAMEX test. 
