
  • Jacek Gurwin
  • Arkadiusz Krawiec


system krążenia wód, ingresja wód słonych, skład izotopowy wód podziemnych, modelowanie numeryczne, badania elektrooporowe, tomografia.


IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW SYSTEM OF THE WOLIN ISLANDAbstract. This paper presents the results of geophysical investigations and groundwater modelling from the Wolin Island. The simulation results of the numerical model have shown that groundwater recharge occurs mainly in the northern and central parts of the island (Mt. Grzywacz - 116 m a.s.l). The groundwater flow system is adapted to the base level of groundwater drainage, which is: Baltic Sea in the north, Dziwna River in the east, Świna River in the west, and the Szczecin Lagoon in the south. Inflow to the research area is locally formed as a result of infiltration of surface water, which may take place especially in the areas of operation of major groundwater intakes. The major water intakes are located in Międzyzdroje and Wolin, and additional two in the western part of the Wolin island for supplying the town of Świnoujście. Just in this extreme western part of the island - within the area of groundwater intake Odra, surface water infiltrates into the shallow aquifer from the Szczecin Lagoon and Świna River. Based on the geoelectricai imaging there was located a salt water intrusion and ascension of highly mineralized water. A decrease in consumption of groundwater in this area in recent years and the rational management of freshwater resources reduced the level of risk as a result of tmgression and ascension of aline water.
