
  • Jan A. Stefanowicz


prawo geologiczne i górnicze, prawo własności złóż kopalin, mienie Skarbu Państwa, aktywa geologiczno-górnicze, użytkowanie górnicze, informacja geologiczna, royalty.


GEOLOGICAL AND MINING ASSEST OF THE STATE TREASURYAbstract. This article is the presentation and consideration of the recognition of assets, or property (intellectual and other property rights) of the Treasury in the area of natural resources, geological and mining activities, for example, reports on the state property of the Treasury on 31 December 2008, prepared by the Minister competent for the Treasury to the Polish Sejm, and submitted to the Sejm on January 5, 2010, the Sejm Bold No. 2689. The article presents the property of the Treasury making up the so-called geological and mining assets, which are or may be a source of revenue. In addition, demonstrated the lack of recognition of the above / in the Report of the Minister of the Treasury. The paper presents the scope and information reports in this area, which should be presented geological and mining assets.
