ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Komunikacja i dialog społeczny przy poszukiwaniu i wydobyciu gazu z łupków – doświadczenia PGNiG

Aneta Stelmaszczyk


Communication and social dialogue in the course of exploration and production of shale gas – PGNiG experience.
A b s t r a c t. In this article we showcase the communication initiatives implemented by Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) as part of the ongoing social dialogue with its stakeholders about its exploration for shale gas. The Company's objectives here are facilitated by an array of communication tools, including open workshops, road shows and residents meetings in areas covered by the Company's exploration projects, as well as study visits to drilling sites and information and education campaigns in both local and nationwide media. Other tools employed by the Company to educate the public on the subject include the dedicated website at and a regular newsletter sent out to subscribers, intended as publicly accessible sources of
easy-to-understand information on shale gas. The present article ends with a summary of the findings of a survey, conducted at PGNiG request by an independent research institute, which sheds light on the shift in perception of shale gas production by the inhabitants of areas where production projects might actually be launched.

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