Jaki wpływ na gospodarkę wodną może mieć wydobycie gazu ze złóż niekonwencjonalnych?

Małgorzata Woźnicka


What could be the impact of unconventional gas exploitation on the water management?
A b s t r a c t. Developing intensively since the beginning of XXI century industry related to unconventional hydrocarbon deposits (shale gas, tight gas, shale oil) requires a comprehensive look on environmental issues arising from the commonly used technology. Because of the hydrauling fracturing process the groundwater management issues are the most important. The analysis requires both aspects of the project water needs, water circulation system in the process, define the sources of water, as well as issues related to the protection of surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the works. In light of the current currently at the European debate about the safe use of unconventional hydrocarbons need for integrated water management is particularly important.

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