Geneza gazu ziemnego akumulowanego w permsko-karbońskich pułapkach litologicznych złoża "Paproć" w świetle badań izotopowych


  • Maciej Kotarba
  • Jerzy Piela
  • Tadeusz Żołnierczuk


ORIGIN OF NATURAL GAS IN PERMO - CARBONIFEROUS LITHOLOGICAL TRAPS OF PAPROĆ FIELD (WESTERN POLAND) IN LIGHT OF ISOTOPE STUDIES Summary The gas deposit "Paproć" is located in the northern part of the Wolsztyn High, near Nowy Tomyśl, and occurs within Carboniferous, Saxonian and Zechstein Limestone deposits. The analysis of stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in constituents of the gas indicated that: 1) hydrocarbons originated from organic matter of humus type occurring in the complex of Carboniferous deposits; 2) a small part of hydrocarbons could originate from organic matter of sapropel type occurring in the Zechstein Limestone; 3) generation of hydrocarbons took place at least in two phases: the first one in the middle part of "oil window" and the second one related to high-temperature processes; 4) a considerable part of nitrogen is related to abiogenic processes in the Earth's mantle.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia