Uwagi o paleoekologii flory mioceńskiej w sferosyderytach Turowa


  • Krystyna Juchniewicz


REMARKS ABOUT PALEOECOLOGY OF THE MIOCENE FLORA FROM SPHEROSIDERITES FROM TURÓW Summary Problems of ecology of fossil flora are regarded on base of botanic classification of studied remains and sedimentary conditions of deposits, included them. It is also significant for ecologic interpretations which parts of plants were preserved - leaves, seeds and fruits or roots and trunk pieces. All such plant fragments occur in sideritic concretions from Miocene deposits in Turów. Leaves remains, few fruits and seeds of Angiospermae were studied by H. Czeczott and A. Skirgiello but fossils of Coniferae by Z. Zalewska. Almost all of them document shallow water, nearshore, wet environment. Abundant bark and root fragments found in sideritic concretions are studied by author. They suggest the plants have grown in situ and their immense variability indicate derivation from many speciees. Conditions of origin of sideritic concretions found in the Turów deposit document shallow water and marsh environments, rich in decayed plant remains. Author presents a scheme of relations and transformations, from products of rock and plant fragments weathering to origin of sideritic concretion, containing such fossils. Interdependence of clayey siderites and carbonates occurrence indicates that preserved there plant remains were from neighbouring sedimentary environments. Recognition of primary plants which fossils were studied from sideritic concretions also enlarged our knowledge about, coal-forming plants.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia