Warunki hydrogeologiczne środkowo-zachodniej części monokliny przedsudeckiej w nadkładzie cechsztyńskiej formacji miedzionośnej (bez kenozoiku)


  • Jan Strzeliński


HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL PARTS OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE VERSUS GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF BLANKET OF ZECHISTEIN COPPER-BEARING FORMATION Summary In the central-western part of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, two basic water-bearing complexes may be differentiated on the basis of geological and hydrogeological data from 29 boreholes: Quaternary-Tertiary and Triassic-Permian. The former is briefly discussed here as it is out of scope of this paper. The Triassic-Permian complex may be divided into 3 main aquifers: Bundsandstein, Zechstein (which may be further subdivided into Main Dolomite and Basal Limestone together with Weissliegendes aquifers), and Rotliegendes aquifers. From the point of view of chemistry, waters of these aquifers are higehly differentiated in mineralization. The mineralization is stimulated by both the depth of occurrence and distance from the Fore-Sudetic Block. Mean mineralization values obtained for the above mentioned aquifers are as follows: Bundsandstein aquifer - 100.6 g/l, Zechstein: a) Main Dolomite - 279 g/l, b) Zechstein Limestone and Weissliegendes - M261 g/l, Rotliegendes - 287 g/l. It follows that waters of the Zechstein Limestone aquifer are less mineralized than those of shallower-seated Main Dolomite aquifer, which, along with high metamorphism indicate their highly relic character. The map (Fig. 4) also shows distribution of porosity versus thickness of Main Dolomite deposits. The hydrogeological characteristics a.re supplemented by exhausting discussion of problems connected with water hazard for mining works, casual relations between the characteristics of waters and occurrences of oil and gas, as well as an attempt to differentiate zone of miner al waters from the point of view of demands of balneology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia