Wykształcenie i środowisko depozycji ooidów karbońskich z rejonu Koszalina


  • Małgorzata Połońska


DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT OF DEPOSITION OF CARBONIFEROUS OOIDS IN THE KOSZALIN AREA Summary The paper deals with the problem of Carboniferous ooids on the example of deposits penetrated by the Bobolice 1 and Kurowo 1 boreholes. In nuclei of ooids were mainly found cryptocrystalline and micritic matter as well as some bioclasts and, occasionally, terrigenous grains. Besides simple ooids there were differentiated some other ooid types such as broken, abraded and complex ooids. Some ooids occur as components of oolite intraclasts and cluster-like lumps. The ooids display some diagenetic alterations including the origin of and obliteration of original structure. The mode of preservation of ooids indicates that they originated under conditions typical of oolitization, i.e. on shoals. A large amount of terrigenous material in rocks bearing ooids and the presence of ooids in siltstone-marly deposits indicate redeposition of the latter. It is assumed that ooids originating in high energy environment were transported and deposited in a low energy one under the influence of increased turbulence.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia