Anizyjskie otwornice z jednostki Ogarle-Opalone serii wierchowej Tatr Polskich


  • Andrzej Gaździcki
  • Michał Lipiec


ANISIAN FORAMINIFERS FROM THE OGARLE-OPALONE UNIT (HIGH TATRIC SERIES, POLISH TATRA MTS, SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary The Anisian foraminifers in the High-Tatric Series have been recognized in the Middle Triassic strata at Ogarle section in the Kondratowa Valley. The foraminifer assemblage includes stratigraphically important taxa: Glomospira densa (Pantić, 1965), Glomospirella grandis (Salaj, 1967), Meandrospira dinarica Kochansky-Devidé et Pantić, 1966. Their stratigraphic range coincides with that of the Glomospira densa Zone (Range Zone: uppermost Lower Anisian (Bithynian)-lllyrian). It is a typical foraminifer assemblage within the platform successions of the Anisian of the Tethys Realm. Moreover, the investigated assemblage is also related to this from the Muschelkalk facies of Poland and Spain.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia