Nowe odkrycie złoża gazu ziemnego i dalsze perspektywy poszukiwań w poziomie ewaporatów miocenu autochtonicznego w zapadlisku przedkarpackim
A NEW DISCOVERY OF GAS DEPOSITS AND FURTHER PERSPECTIVES OF SEARCH IN THE AUTOCHTONEOUS MIOCENE EVAPORATIC HORIZON IN THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP Summary The presence of gas accumulations of economic value and traces of oil were found in several places in the evaporitic horizon (Middle Badenian - Bochenian) in the Carpathian Foredeep in the course of previous studies. Moreover, a new gas deposit was discovered by one of deep drillings in the vicinities of Mirocin (Przemyśl voivodeship) in 1980. The latter discovery gave support to the inferred hydrocarbon potential of the Carpathian Foredeep so further surveys and search will be carried out in this region and the relevant geological reports reanalysed.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia