Występowanie wód termalnych w polskiej części Karpat
OCCURRENCE OF THERMAL WATERS IN THE POLISH CARPATHIANS (SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary The results presented in this paper indicate that occurrence of thermal waters in the Podhale Basin is favored by the following factors: suitable geological setting, high temperature (to 86oC at discharge), low mineralization (to 3g/dm3), high discharge (over 200 m3/h), renewable resources and easy accesses to the area. The same good conditions also occur in the western Carpathians (Ustroń, Jaworze) where thermal waters are linked to the substratum (fractured and karstic Devonian dolomites and limestones). In this region theMiocene Dębowiec conglomerates are a potential thermal water aquifer. Thermal waters occurring in flysch deposits of the Outer Carpathians have been identified in a few sites only. Due to the complex geology, only limited amounts of these waters can be obtained. The recent studies show that the Outer Carpathian flysch is not a potential collector for a large amount of relatively low mineralized thermal waters. The most favorable conditions prevail in the Poręba Wielka region where maximum water discharge from a single intake is 12.1 m3/h, mineralization reach 21.8 g/m3 and temperature is 42oC. In the Polish Carpathians area there are 18 boreholes of thermal waters that can be exploited. Out of this number, 12 boreholes are located in the Podhale Basin and the remaining 6 in the Outer Carpathians. Nine of these 18 boreholes: Bańska IG-1, Bańska PGP-1, Biały Dunajec PAN-1, Biały Dunajec PGP-2, Zakopane IG-1, Zakopane 2, Ustroń IG-3, Ustroń 3a, Ustroń C-1 are under operation now.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia