The influence of sub-Quaternary basement on the relief in the eastern part of the Pomeranian Lakeland, Poland


  • Krzysztof Petelski


Geological mapping works, conducted on 1:50,000 litho-petrographic map sheets of the South Baltic coast and the eastern part of the Pomerania Lakeland, show a clear relationship between large landforms of this area, like: subglacial channels, Wieżyca Hill, the ice lobe that accumulated Gardno moraine deposits, and sub-Quaternary relief. These landforms came into existence as a result of reactivation of pre-existing fault zones in the sub-Cainozoic basement, due to the ice mass loading during successive Pleistocene ice-sheet advances. Subglacial channels developed and thick tills and ice-dammed lake deposits were accumulated in the region. The subglacial channels and morainic belts are now dominating landforms in the Pomeranian Lakeland.



