Temperature and isotopic relations in the Middle Miocene sandstones from the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin - a reconnaissance study
Studies of the Middle Miocene sandstones in selected wells from the western Ukraine concerned calcite cements, both from isotopic and fluid inclusion aspects. The aim of the reconnaissance study was to find out inclusion – isotopic constraints for the calcite cements in the sandstones. The studied sandstones are subarkosic, sporadically sublithic arenites. The δ13CVPDB values range from –7.8‰ to –1.3‰, and δ18OVPDB vary from –8.8 to –4.7‰. Calcite cement was crystallized in the temperature interval from about 32°C to 55°C. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions correspond in general to low values depending on the inclusion character (brine, carbon dioxide). Based on pairs of inclusions trapped together in the cement, the trapping conditions have been estimated for below 60°C and 375 bars that concur with results of isotopic determinations and re-calculations.Downloads