The Lower Cretaceous in the pre-Miocene substratum of the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep in Poland
Kreda dolna w podłożu miocenu południowej części przedgórza Karpat Lower Cretaceous epicontinental deposits have been documented in several exploration wells drilled in the Sędziszów Małopolski-Dębica-Pilzno region. These are marine deposits of Valanginian age, developed in a clayey-carbonate facies. They are only found in the areas of the thickest and most stratigraphically complete Upper Jurassic deposits, ranging in age from Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian. The Lower Cretaceous deposits occur beneath sediments of Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian and Turonian) age, forming small isolated caps on top o f the Upper Jurassic surface. The whole region was originally completely covered by Lower Cretaceous deposits, as the Early Cretaceous sea invaded the whole area. An abundant alpine fauna recovered from the Lower Cretaceous indicates that the sea had open connections with the Tethys as well as with the epicontinental sea of the Polish Lowlands. The Sędziszów-Pilzno region was situated on the western slope o f that basin.Downloads