Age and palaeoenvironment of the Koscieliska Marl Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Tatra Mountains, Poland: preliminary results


  • Mariusz Kędzierski
  • Alfred Uchman


Wiek i paleośrodowisko formacji margli z Kościeliskiej (fm) (kreda dolna) w Tatrach polskich wstępne wyniki badań The Kościeliska Marl Formation is a characteristic lithostratigraphic unit o f the lower Sub-Tatric Unit in the Tatra Mountains. It consists mostly of marlstones and calcilutites and subordinately of calcarenites and sandstones, and contains the Valanginian through early Aptian nannofossils. Moreover, one sample contains calcareous nannoplankton from the Aptian/Albian boundary. The reverse position of beds is proved on the base of nannoplankton succession in the type locality of the formation in the Dolina Kościeliska Valley. Trace fossils and sedimentological observations indicate a well-oxygenated environment below the maximum wave base during sedimentation of these deposits. The nannoplankton assemblage is typical of the Tethyan realm. Some influence of the Boreal realm is suggested during Late Valanginian and Late Hauterivian.
