Palynological study of an olistolith from the so-called Sucha Formation, Zawoja IG-1 borehole (Flysch Carpathians, Poland): age and palaeoenvironment
Studium palinologiczne olistolitu z tzw. formacji suskiej z otworu Zawoja IG-1 (Karpaty fliszowe, Polska): wiek i paleośrodowisko Palynological research of an olistolith from the so-called Sucha Formation from the Zawoja IG-1 borehole indicates that it represents a continuous section of Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian) deposits rather than a complex of several olistoliths of different age. The black shale complex of this olistolith is comparable with the Spas shales or the Verovice shales and lower part of the Lgota beds. Based on the quantative analysis of the dinocyst assemblages Barremian-Albian sea level fluctuations in the Carpathian flysch basin are reconstructed.Downloads