Microfossils from the Tithonian exotic limestone in Wozniki (External Carpathians, Poland)


  • Danielle Decrouez
  • Elżbieta Morycowa


Mikroskamieniałości z bloku wapienia egzotykowego z Woźnik koło Wadowic (Karpaty Zewnętrzne) This paper deals with the microfossils from an Upper Tithonian exotic limestone block of the Štramberk-type found in Hauterivian conglomerate of the Grodziszcze beds of Subsilesian unit, in Woźniki near Wadowice. The significance of the limestone block in question lies in the fact that it gives information concerning the sedimentary environment of carbonates whose deposition preceded the formation of flysch facies in the Carpathian geosyncline.
