Early Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts from the Kraków-Silesia Monocline, southern Poland: a record from the Blanowice Formation at Mrzygłód


  • Przemysław Gedl


Wczesnojurajskie dinocysty z krakowsko-śląskiej monokliny, Polska południowa: zapis z formacji blanowickiej w Mrzygłodzie A 3-m thick section of the Blanowice Formation exposed in an abandoned clay-pit at Mrzygłód (Kraków-Silesia Monocline, southern Poland) yielded rich palynological material. Besides dominating land- derived phytoclasts and sporomorphs organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) occur. Presence of Luehndea spinosa allows considering time of deposition of studied deposits as Late Pliensbachian-earliest Toarcian. Quantitative fluctuations of main groups of palynofacies elements suggest variable sedimentological conditions of deposition within the southern part of the Polish epicontinental basin. Dominance of large-sized cuticle remains and lack of dinocysts occurs in sediments deposited in continental conditions. Occurrence of dinocysts and other aquatic palynomorphs takes place in sediments that have originated during marine ingression.



