Radiometric dating of the tertiary volcanics in Lower Silesia, Poland. V. K-Ar and palaeomagnetic data from Late Oligocene to Early Miocene basaltic rocks of the North-Sudetic Depression


  • Krzysztof Birkenmajer
  • Zoltán Pécskay
  • Jacek Grabowski
  • Marek W. Lorenc
  • Paweł P. Zagożdżon


Datowanie radiometryczne trzeciorzędowych wulkanitów Dolnego Śląska. V. Daty K-Ar i wyniki badań paleomagnetycznych późnooligoceńskich i wczesnomioceńskich skał bazaltowych Niecki Północnosudeckiej This is the fifth contribution to geochronological, petrologic-geochemical and palaeomagnetic studies of the Tertiary basaltoids of Lower Silesia, Poland. It covers the area of the North-Sudetic Depression close to its contact with the Fore-Sudetic Block (6 new sites). The oldest K-Ar date was obtained from basanite plug at Sichów (BP-34: 27.80ą1.27 Ma) located exactly on the Sudetic Marginal Fault. It determines the age of the fault as Late Oligocene. Five other sites (BP-35-39) yielded radiometric ages between 20.07ą0.90 Ma and 18.72ą0.81 Ma (Early Miocene). The volcanics investigated are typical within-plate basaltoids represented by ankaratrite and basanite. The Late Oligocene Sichów intrusion (BP-34) is normally magnetized, the Early Miocene basaltic rocks (ankaratrite BP-39 and basanites: BP-35-38) reveal reversed magnetization.



