Neotectonics and planation surfaces in the High Bieszczady Mountains (Outer Carpathians, Poland)


  • Józef Kukulak


Neotektonika a powierzchnie zrównania w Bieszczadach Wysokich (Polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne) The interfluves and slopes of the High Bieszczady Mts., SE Poland, bear flat surfaces that are both structurally-controlled and represent fragments of planation surfaces. More extensive are planated surfaces that can be associated with the intramontane, foothills, and riverside levels of planation. The oldest planated surfaces are most numerous in the most elevated parts of the Bieszczady Mountains. Older surfaces display traces of relief rejuvenation, including steps and minor ridges developed upon thick-bedded sandstones. These planated levels display relief energy of 50-100 m, increasing within older landforms of that type. Locally occurring rolling topography of structurally-controlled flat surfaces appears to result from tectonic undulations and the presence of fault zones. Strong structural control dominating the topography of the Bieszczady Mts. obliterates any possible young tectonic influcences upon development of flat surfaces on the slopes.



