Stratigraphy and palaeogeographic position of the Jurassic Czertezik Succession, Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians) of Poland and Eastern Slovakia
Stratygrafia i paleogeograficzna pozycja jurajskiej sukcesji czertezickiej, pieniński pas skałkowy (Karpaty Zachodnie) w Polsce i we wschodniej Słowacji The Czertezik Succession has been closely re-examined in its most classical sections of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians) in Poland and eastern Slovakia. The study revealed the presence of the “lower nodular limestones” (Niedzica Limestone Formation), and resulted in discovery of Early Bajocian ammonite fauna in grey crinoidal limestones of the Smolegowa Limestone Formation/Flaki Limestone Formation, and the latest Bajocian to Early Bathonian ammonite fauna in the Niedzica Limestone Formation. These new data proved closer similarity between the Czertezik Succession and the Niedzica Succession than between the Czertezik Succession and the Czorsztyn Succession as it was suggested up to now. On the other hand, the Czertezik Succession represents deeper palaeogeographical position within the Pieniny Klippen Basin than the Niedzica Succession and it has been deposited near the Branisko/Kysuca Succession.Downloads