Palaeogeography of the western Sandomierz Basin in Late Neogene and Early Quaternary times (Carpathian Foredeep, South Poland)
Paleogeografia zachodniej części Kotliny sandomierskiej w późnym neogenie i wczesnym czwartorzędzie (Zapadlisko Przedkarpackie, Polska południowa) The sub-Quatemary topography of the western Sandomierz Basin has been compared to variable thicknesses of Quaternary sediments and geomorphology of the area. The lithology and age of the top of Miocene strata have been determined. The Witów Series has been interpreted as a sequence of a braided river that used to flow into the retreating marine basin, forming a fan delta whose age, according to macrofloristic determinations, has been assigned to the Late Miocene. Lower Quaternary gravels cap the remnants of a planated surface situated at 240-250 m a.s.l. The Błonie gravel horizon occurring at a similar altitude was deposited by a river active in Narevian and/or Nidanian glacial stages, and its top underwent reworking during the Sanian-2 stage. Deposits infilling the fossil sub-Carpathian Furrow have been mapped and dated to the Cromerian s.I. interglacial stage. The final alluviation of this segment of the furrow took place during the Sanian-2 stage. Reconstruction of the drainage pattern during the Eopleistocene, South-Polish glaciations, and Masovian interglacial stage has been proposed as well.Downloads