Structural interpretation of semi-detailed magnetotelluric survey in Kamienica Dolna-Gogołów area in the Polish Outer Carpathians
Strukturalna interpretacja półszczegółowych badań magnetotellurycznych w rejonie Kamienicy Dolnej - Gogołowa, Polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne Semi-detailcd magnetotelluric survey was carried out in the area between Kamienica Dolna, Gogołów and Łopuchowa in the Polish Outer Carpathians. Magnetotelluric soundings were made along three lines located in a zone of the tectonic loop in the Carpathians’ basement, which is reflected by the distribution of flysch outcrops. The sounding sites along profiles were ca 1.5 km apart. Magnetotelluric data were measured with the use of MT-1 system. To eliminate the effects of electromagnetic noise, the magnetic field remote reference was applied. Measurement data were processed using standard procedures of remote reference processing. Quantitative data interpretation was made with the use of ID LSQ inversion. Initial geoelectric models were constructed basing on geological cross-sections obtained from surface and borehole data. 2D resistivity cross-sections, obtained from MT data interpretation, allowed the general structure of the flysch cover and its basement to be identified. Two major high-resistivity horizons were related to the top of Meso-Palaeozoic and Precambrian basement. A lowresistivity layer, related to the Lower Palaeozoic sediments, was interpreted.Downloads