Identification of the fluvial-channel tracts based on thickness analysis: Zabrze Beds (Namurian B) in the Main Anticline and Bytom-Dąbrowa Trough of Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland
Trakty koryt rzecznych w warstwach zabrskich (namur B) na podstawie analizy miąższości w rejonie siodła głównego i niecki bytomsko-dąbrowskiej Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego, Polska The studied area of ca. 500 km lies within the Main Anticline and the Bytom-Dąbrowa Trough of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin. During the deposition of the fluvial Zabrze Beds, this area was subject to differential subsidence which resulted in gradual eastward thinning of this unit from ca. 250 m near Zabrze to ca. 4 m near Sosnowiec. Maps of net sandstone and coal contents in two stratigraphical intervals selected within the Zabrze Beds point to the presence of four channel tracts. The main tract is parallel to the NE-SW trending axis of maximum subsidence, and the other three are perpendicular to it. During deposition of the Zabrze Beds the main, NE-SW trending channel tract has shifted westward.Downloads