Wpływ zjawisk neotektonicznych i glacjalnych na ewolucję morfostrukturalną brzeżnej strefy Karpat i Zapadliska Przedkarpackiego


  • Wanda Laskowska-Wysoczańska


Neotectonic and glacial control of morphostructural evolution of the boundary zone between the Carpathians and the Carpathian Foredeep The paper presents a new view at the inorphostructural evolution o f the outer margin o f the Carpathians between Rzeszów and Przemyśl during terminal Tertiary and Quaternary time. The interpretation is based on the investigation o f mutual relationships between various structural elements of this zone. It is suggested that the southern extent o f the ice-sheet of the South Poland Glaciation (San Maximum) in this area was influenced by the extent o f Miocene transgression over the folded flysch strata. The uplift of this part of the Carpathians, with their morphological escarpment, occurred after the South Poland Glaciation. The structural evolution in connection with the glacial-interglacial cyclicity resulted in the change of drainage pattern in the Sandomierz Basin. The rivers o f the Sandomierz Basin were captured from the Black Sea drainage basin to the North Sea basin after the Middle Poland Glaciation (Odra Maximum).



