Arenaceous foraminifera from Lower-Middle Devonian boundary beds of western part of the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts.
Otwornice z pogranicza dewonu dolnego i środkowego zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich The paper concerns assemblages of arenaceous foraminifera from the borehole Dąbrowa D-5 (northern part of Kielce). Nine species are described, including the following five new ones: Amphitremoida kielcensis sp. nov. A. pajchlowae sp. nov., Lcigenammina silnica sp. nov., Saccanimina scutella sp. nov. and S. guerichi sp. nov. Five successive assemblages have been distinguished. The indirect biostratigraphical data indicate that the foraminifera bearing deposits from Dąbrova represent the boundary beds of the patulus/partitus conodont zones. It is possible, basing on the foraminiferal fauna, to correlate precisely the Lower-Middle Devonian boundary beds in the western part o f the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts.Downloads