Osady krasowe oligocenu i wczesnego miocenu oraz ich znaczenie dla poznania rozwoju tektoniki i rzeźby okolic Krakowa
Oligocene - early Miocene karst deposits and their importance for recognition o the development of tectonics and relief in the Carpathian Foreland, Kraków region, southern Poland The author describes Tertiary continental sediments of karst origin and proves the significance of such studies in recognition of tectonics and paleorelief. The studied sediments of Oligocene and early Miocene ages form the bottom part of Cenozoic sequence in the Krakow sector of the Carpathian Foreland. The sediments are devoid of fossils. Their lithology includes residual clays, green smectite clays and clays with flints, quartz sands. The origin of sediments is related to weathering of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. The resulting material were deposited in various erosional karst forms commonly developed along the joint surfaces and even at the fault planes. Three karst levels were distinguished. The middle level filled with clays with Oxfordian flints includes a system of karst paleovalleys which are still visible in the morphology of the studied area, in almost unchanged form. The valleys were formed in Oligocene and early Miocene (up to the Karpathian) and are contemporaneous with faults of Middle Alpine age which are responsible for the formation of the principal horsts and grabens in the studied area.Downloads