Wpływ przeobrażeń mineralnych na składchemiczny wód w strefie wietrzenia łupków pirytonośnych w Wieściszowicach, Rudawy Janowickie, Sudety Zachodnie, Polska
The effects of mineral alterations on the chemical composition of waters in the weathered zone of pyrite-bearing schists in Wieściszowice, Rudawy Janowickie Mts., W Sudetes, Poland Chemical composition of waters, mineralogical studies and calculations using WATEQF program were the basis of determining the origin of water components as, well as the course of geochemical alterations in oxidation zone of pyrite-bearing schist deposit in Wieściszowice (Rudawy Janowickie Mts., SW Poland). Chlorite, sericite, quartz of detrital origin, illite, kaolinite, goethite, as well as supergene sulfate minerals (gypsum, copiapite, pickeringite, fibroferrite, slavikite, alunogene and epsomite) were identified in the abandoned pyrite open-pit mine. Waters of SO(4)-Ca-Mg type, showing pH range 5,3-2,8 and total dissolved solids content from 124 mg/1 to 3366 mg/1 were found in the area studied. Distinct enrichment in Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, as well as low K and Na concentrations arc characteristic of waters contacting for longer time with the material of oxidation zone. Clay minerals (illite, kaolinite, montmorillonite) control the solubility of Si, Al, Na, and K in waters showing pH=4,0 - 5,3. In strongly acid environment (pH below 3), the solubility of silica is controlled by amorphous silica whilst that of aluminium - by sulfate minerals. Gypsum determines calcium concentracions in waters, whereas goethite and iron sulfates - those of iron.Downloads