Trace fossils from stress environments in Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch of the Polish Outer Carpathians
Skamieniałości śladowe środowisk stresowych we fliszu południowej części płaszczowiny magurskiej, Polskie Karpaty Zewnętrzne Trace fossil diversity and density was studied in the Senonian-Oligocene flysch sequence of the southern part of the Magura Nappe, and intervals poor in ichnotaxa have been identified. This paper presents the trace fossil assemblages which are characteristic of these intervals. They were probably produced by opportunistic tracemakers in stress environments. Poor oxygenation and changes in sedimentation rate were probably the main factors of ecological stress. The group of the most opportunistic trace fossils includes: Chondrites, Sabularia, simplex, Planolites, Helminthoida labyrinthica, Zoophycos, Tubulichnium incertum, Phycosiphon incertum, and Spirorhaphe zumayensis.Downloads