“Shallow water” trace fossils in Paleogene flysch of the southern part of the Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians

Alfred Uchman


“Płytkowodne” skamieniałości śladowe w paleogeńskim fliszu południowej części płaszczowiny magurskiej, polskie Karpaty Zewnętrzne

Trace fossil taxa commonly referred to as shallow-water ones occur in the Paleogene flysch in the southern part of the Magura Nappe. They are represented by Rhizocorallium ichnosp., Ophiomorplia nodosa, Ophiomorpha ichnosp. indent, morphotypes A and B, Thalassinoides ichnosp., and Pelecypodichnus ichnosp. Their occurrence in flysch, including thin-bedded facies, together with “deep-water” forms such Paleodictyon, Spirorhaphe, Urohelminthoida, indicates that bathymetric interpretation of trace fossils should be done with caution.

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