On the occurrence of Middle Cambrian Trilobites in the Khobdo Region (Western Mongolia)
Marian Dumicz
Ewa Tomczykowa
Ludwik Wójcik
Odkrycie trylobitów środkowego kambru w regionie Kobdo (Mongolia zachodnia)
Six members have been distinguished in the geosynclinal formation occurring in the Khobdo region, Western Mongolia: 1 — greenstone schists, 2 — quartzite conglomerates and sandstones, 3 — diabase tuffs, 4 — siliceous tufogenic schists, 5 — limestones, 6 — diabase tuffs and diabases. Trilobites of the familiae Paradoxididae and Solenopleuridae, typical of the Atlantic province, and characteristic of the Early Middle Cambrian, were found in the fourth member.