Analiza statystyczna sedymentacji cyklicznej w warstwach łaziskich (Górnośląskie Zagłębie Węglowe)
A statistical study of cyclic sedimentation in the Łaziska Beds (Upper Silesia Coal Basin) The cyclic recurrence of detrital sediments and coal in the alluvial sequence of the Łaziska beds (Westphalian C) is explained by intermittent uplift in the source area of clastic material — an allocyclic mechanism — with little variation of the rate of subsidence of the basin, but with varying rate of lowering of the depositional surface caused by rapid compaction of thick peat layers. The cyclic sedimentation of the clastic deposits can be satisfactorily explained by currerit energy redistribution on the alluvial plain, i.e. by autocyclic mechanisms alone.Downloads