On the deformational structures in systems with reversed density gradients


  • J. M. Anketell
  • Jerzy Cegła
  • Stanisław Dżułyński


Zaburzenia w układach o niestatecznym uwarstwieniu gęstościowym This paper summarises the results of experiments on deformations resulting from reverse density stratification in sediments. Systems characterised by reversed or negative density gradient are indicated as (b, a) systems, while those characterised by a positive gradient are indicated as (a, b) systems, where b refers to the member of relatively higher density. Those (b, a) systems in which the work expended on the reversed density gradient is done by depositional processes are termed sedimentary (b, a) systems and are contrasted to those in which the reversed density gradient results from other processes such as frost heave, magmatic processes, etc. Distinction is also made between dynamic (b, a) systems in which the density controlled deformations proceed with or without reciprocal horizontal motion between b and a. Such a distinction, in conjunction with the deformational behaviour of the sediments which make up the (b, o) systems, serves as a basis for discussion of density controlled deformations in soft, waiter-saturated sediments. W pracy zestawiono dotychczasowe wyniki doświadczeń nad zaburzeniami powstającymi samorzutnie w zamkniętych układach osadowych o niestatecznym uwarstwieniu gęstościowym. W języku polskim zagadnienia poruszane w tym artykule zostały obszernie przedstawione w pracy J. Cegły i St. Dżułyńskiego: Układy o niestatecznym warstwowaniu gęstościowym w środowisku peryglacjalnym, Acta Universitatis Vratislaviensis, Studia Geograficzne, 1969.



