Parallel tendencies in the evolution of the Fusulinids (Sazetak)


  • Vanda Kochansky-Devide


Some morphologic features, such as cuniculi, „rugosity” of the spirotheca, orimentary foramina and parachomata, the first transverse septula and the uncoiled last volution, were hitherto considered to be characteristic for single genera. Now it is clear thait these characters occur in genera of different phylogenic origins. Owing to parallel evolution, similar forms were produced. Therefore the view is expressed that some fusulinid „genera” represent assemblages of diverse genetic ancestry. Neke morfoloske znacajke, smatrane svojstvenima za odredjene rodove, nalaze se sve cesce i u fuzulinidnih rodova razlicitog porijekla: npr. kunikuli, „rugoznost” spiroteke, orimentarni foramina i parahome, prvi transverzalni septuli, odvijeni posljednji zavoj i dr. Zbog ovako paralelnih razvoja, koji mogu dovesti do slicnih oblika, naglaseno je, da su mozda neki „rodovi” zbirne grupe.



