Pisoliths from Cuban caves


  • Ryszard Gradziński
  • Andrzej Radomski


Pizolity z jaskiń kubańskich Pisoliths in Cuban caves are found in two separate environments, distinguished on the basis of differences in the conditions of formation of the pisoliths: 1) flat bottom of caves (pisolithic fields), and 2) small-scale depressions. These differences are recorded in the internal structure and shape of the pisoliths. The pisoli'ths in pisolithic fields are formed during seasonal flooding of the Cave floor. The fields comprise thick, uncemented layers of pisoliths covering considerable areas of the flat cave floor. The pisoliths are characterized by absence of evidence of abrasion, predominance of spheroidal forms, smaller bulk specific gravity, absence of aphanitic calcite, and inconspicuous recrystallization. The pisoliths in small-scale depressions may be formed either completely or only partially immersed in water. They are characterized by diversity in shape, ubiquitous evidence of abrasion, larger bulk specific gravity, aphanitic primary laminae, and common evidence of recrystallization.



