Weissliegendes sandstones: a transition from fluvial-aeolian to shallow-marine sedimentation (Permian of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline). 3. Interpretation in light of heavy-mineral data
Halina Nemec
Wojciech Nemec
Szczepan J. Porębski
Przejście od sedymentacji kontynentalnej do płytkomorskiej w obrębie białego spągowca (perm monokliny przedsudeckiej) 3. Interpetacja w oparciu o minerały ciężkie
Heavy-mineral assemblages in the upper shallow-marine portion of the Weissliegendes sandstones differ from those of the underlying aeolian sandstones in: (1) higher heavy-mineral concentration, (2) enrichment in heavy constituents and, (3) lack of hydraulic equilibrium among the mineral populations. Such differences are explained by concentrating processes which reworked the primary aeolian sands during marine transgression. The nature of concentrating mechanism and heavy mineral provenance, are discussed in detail.