Weissliegendes sandstones: a transition from fluvial-aeolian to shallow-marine sedimentation (Permian of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline). 2. A study in significance of rock colouration
Wojciech Nemec
Szczepan J. Porębski
Przejście od sedymentacji kontynentalnej do płytkomorskiej w obrębie białego spągowca (dolny perm monokliny przedsudeckiej). 2. Geneza barwy
Petrographical and chemical data, together with field evidence, suggest that the red colouration of the Rotliegendes deposits developed in situ, shortly after deposition because of alteration and breakdown of iron-rich silicates and iron-oxides grains. There is no evidence that the bulk of the Weissliegendes sandstones has ever been red in the studied area.