Tektonika elewacji radomskowskiej
The tectonics of the Radomsko elevation The tectonic depression bordering from the south west the Central Poland Anticlinorium is traversed by two elevations which divide it into three basins. One of these elevations, called the Radomsko elevation, is a Laramian structure formed on the edge of the Late Baikalian massif of Southern Poland. South of the Radomsko elevation the depressed synclinorial structure is lying entirely over this massif. The Alpine tectonic complex forming the elevation is relatively thin and the stratigraphie sequence is broken by numerous lacunes. The Radomsko elevation is bordered from the south (by a second order element of the synclinorium — the Włoszczowa synclinal basin, which lies on the marginal, depressed part of the Southern Poland massif, where a thick Palaeozoic succession has been preserved. The Radomsko elevation consists of numerous folds with lower stages of the Upper Jurassic exposed in the cores. These folds, striking NW-SE, do not penetrate into the Włoszczowa syncline in the south. Towards the north they disappear at the boundary of the Miocene graben of Bełchatów which strikes E-W. Prolongations of these folds with much reduced amplitudes are present within the Łódź synclinal basin. Within the elevations, the block of Radomsko situated in its southwestern part and bordered by faults is characterized by the presence of a not folded and relatively thin sedimentary cover of Permian and Mesozoic age. The equivalent formations, especially the Triassic are much thicker in the northern and eastern part of the Radomsko elevation. This indicates, that the folding affected the margin of the deep part of the Per mo- Mesozoic sedimentary basin. The uplift and faulting of the area of the elevation was due to Laramian compression which affected large areas of the margin of the East-European platform. A structural disconformity in the anticlines is present in the Keuper developped as plastic clays. The sedimentary boundary crossing the Radomsko elevation is related to the great dislocation zone called here the Poznań — Rzeszów lineament, which is striking NW-SE. This lineament cut obliquely the structures of the Palaeozoic basement of Central and Southern Poland. It controlled the sedimentation in Permian and Mesozoic times, and formed a mobile zone during the Laramian movements.Downloads