Zagadnienia stratygrafii morskich osadów triasu krakowskiego


  • Stanisław Siedlecki


Problems of stratigraphy of Marine Triassic in the Cracow area The marine Triassic in the Cracow area is composed of the uppermost member of the Bunter (Roth) and the limestones and dolomites of the Muschelkalk. The Keuper deposits are not described in the present paper as they are not sufficiently known and besides, they are of a fresh - water or brackish origin. The present paper is based on the survey executed by the writer in the area of the sheet Chrzanów (1 : 25000) and on the observations made in Upper Silesia in the districts where classical cros - section of the Triassic have been known. The survey of the Chrzanów sheet was carried out for the Polish Geological Survey during the years 1945—48. At the same time I had the-opportunity of making acquaintance with the Triassic beds of the eastern part of Silesia-Cracow area. I also could make use of observations made during the excursions of the Departament of Geology of the Jagiellonian University. In the following localities I have executed special comparative studies of the Upper Silesian Triassic: Karchowicer Górażdże, Zbrosławice, Tarnów Opolski, Strzelce, Szymiszów, Gogolin, Kamienice, Mikulczyce, Wilkowice, Kolonia Wilkowice (Georgendorf), Księży Las, Tarnowice, Rybna. The comparative studies of the Triassic developed in the eastern part of Upper Silesia and the most eastern part of the Triasśic area have led me to the conclusion that there exists a resemblance in the development of the Roth and Muschelkalk in both areas. As the Triassic of the Cracow area I understand the area which is included in the Zaręczny’s map of the «Geological Atlas of Galicia». The quarry for cement factory at Szczakowa is the most western point of the area surveyed by the author. The eastern boundary of the Triassic area runs along the Dębnik dome. Naturally during a few years survey I could not visit all important outcrops of the Triassic. Particularly the area north of the line Szczakowa — Krzeszowice is less known to me. Therefore I base my conclusions referring to this area on works of other geologists and I admit that in the area lying west from the edge of the Cracow — Częstochowa Jurassic plateau there may be some differences in the development of the Triassic in comparison with the Silesian and Cracow areas. A more detailed survey is being published in another paper, prepared for the Geological Survey. The present paper is intended as a concise summary of the stratigraphical conclusions.



