Egzotyki krystaliczne w kredzie śląskiej okolic Wadowic


  • Tadeusz Wieser


Crystalline exotic blocks in the Silesian Cretaceous of the Wadowice area Crystalline rocks occuring as boulders, pebbles and other fragments in conglomerates and shales of the Carpathian flysch have been studied by several investigators. In the writings of S. Kreutz, W. Szajnocha, A. Gaweł , S. Małkowski, K. Maślankiewicz and J. Bykowski we may find descriptions of many interesting crystalline rocks alien to the Carpathian petrographic province. From the area under discussion a few crystalline rocks have already been described, as the granite from Bugaj, examined by S. Kreutz (1927, p. 395) and a granite porphyry from Izdebnik and Sułkowice collected by K. Maślankiewicz and also described by Kreutz . The present paper concerns crystalline exotic rocks of the Cretaceous beds collected in the area around Wadowice and Kalwaria. My task of collecting and describing exotic rocks was facilitated owing to the fact that not long ago a detailed geological map (1 : 50 000) of the sheet Wadowice prepared by M. Książkiewicz has been published (1939). Thanks to this map the stratigraphical situation of exotic rocks could have been determined and comparison of exotic rocks occuring in various stratigraphical members could have been done. The most important points with exotic blocks have been examined in detail to obtain quantitative data and results have been plotted graphically on the attached map on which tectonic lines and contours of beds with exotic blocks have also been shown based on the map of M. Książkiewicz. More than 100 thin slides have been made in the laboratory of the Department of Geology of Jagiellonian University.



